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Prospective Postdocs

We seek highly motivated postdocs with interests in evolution, genomics, and computational biology, with strong bioinformatics, computational or experimental backgrounds. Please contact Yafei with your CV, a brief overview of your research programs, and questions you are interested in pursuing in our lab. Please send the names and contact information of three references as well.

Prospective Graduate Students

We are recruiting graduate students to join our group with interests in evolution, genomics, bioinformatics, and computational biology. Please contact Yafei with your CV (including relevant coursework and research experience) and a short description of your research interests. We accept students through the Bio-X institute and the school of life sciences at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Research assistants / Undergraduates
(bioinformatics specialist, software engineer, wet lab technician)

We have experimental and computational positions available for undergraduates and research assistants. Please contact Yafei with your CV and a brief description of your interests and why you are interested in our lab.

©2024 by Mao's Lab.

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